Thursday, July 17, 2008

Planning with Two Kids is Not Possible

I define myself as a planner.  I plan things to the minute with lists and instructions all around me all the time.  One thing that I planned every last detail on was Layla's homecoming.  I sent an e-mail to our families so everyone would know exactly what my expectations were for the day.  Everything was going as planned.  My mom picked up Mason at school and brought him to the hospital.  Tayler, Mason, Layla and I were going to come home as a family of four for the first time and spend a few hours together alone before the rest of our family arrived to greet Layla.  It was going to be perfect.  It was scheduled to every minute detail.  As my mom and Mason were walking down the hall to our hospital room the wheelchair had just arrived for transport.  It looked like things were going to go smoothly.

They walked in the door and Mason asked to wash his hands.  My mom squirted the foam hand cleanser on his hand and instead of rubbing his hands together to wash them, HE ATE IT!  We read the bottle.  It said to seek immediate medical attention and to call Poison Control if it is eaten.  We called the nurse.  She said she couldn't give advice since it wasn't her patient but that he needed to be taken to the emergency room.  So, Layla and I waited in our room at Winnie Palmer while Tayler and Mason ran across the street to the emergency room at Arnold Palmer.  They were in and out in about 30 minutes and we got to finish the rest of the schedule just a little late.

I am sure that we will laugh about this for the next 50 years.  And I learned early on as a mom of two that everything can't be planned - probably a good lesson to be learned.


CHarris said...

Good 'ol Mason - keeping mommy on her toes!

le said...

Oh man. I take it Mason is okay. You'll get used to every day disasters. In the beginning I stayed home to hide from them but I quickly got used to everyone staring at us as some kind of tantrum or accident happened. I'm just now learning to stay calm during these incidents, though. You will be a wonderful two time mama! She is beautiful.